There are a number of tools that make it your content marketing programs that much more powerful. These include:
Editorial Calendars
Editorial Style Sheets
Keyword Searches
Content Management Tools

Editorial Calendars are essential for laying out your content strategy for the year. You mesh the general calendar with your specific goals to make a cohesive well thought out message. The themes, frequency, and audience should be plotted out for maximum effectiveness.
An Editorial Style Sheet is where you as a company put down your preferences as simple as the inclusion of the Oxford comma in posts to as specific as the particular language you want included at the end of every post. Your tone, your positioning, your values, your style! That way, the message is clear, consistent, and constant.
Keyword Searches is something that dominates content marketing. It may actually be viewed as the starting point. You must know what words to target and include in your content so that the search engines pick it up. You need to know how customers are looking for you so that you rank in search engine results pages (SERPs) when someone Googles you.